Monday, February 27, 2012

Dope Girl's Ambition by Author tamika Washington

ATTENTION READERS!!!!!!!***Due to Author Tamika Washington's schedule, we have had to change the date of the book signing. The new date and time: March 24, 2012 @ The Black History Museum( 3 East Clay Street Richmond Va.) 1pm-5pm. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.****

You are invited to Author Tamika Washington's "Dope Girl's Ambition" book signing @ the Black History Museum( 3 East clay Street Richmond, Va) March 24, 2012. If you have your book already, bring your book to be signed. If you don't have your copy yet, come purchase a book @ $13.00. We are having a special @ the book signing. So come one come all for an evening of fun with Author Tamika Washington. For more info call (804)247-1127Thanks!!!!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Dope Girl's Ambition Book Signing

You are invited to Author Tamika Washington's "Dope Girl's Ambition" book signing @ the Black History Museum( 3 East clay Street Richmond, Va March 10, 2012. If you have your book already, bring your book to be signed. If you don't have your copy yet, come purchase a book @ $13.00. We are having a special @ the book signing. So come one come all for an evening of fun with Author Tamika Washington. For more info call (804)247-1127Thanks!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Snipping of Dope Girl's Ambition by Author Tamika Washington

Excerpt from Dope Girl's Ambition! Get your copy today♥
Rain’s Diary**

Dear Dairy,

Today has been one “hell” of a day. I’ve been nipping and running errands all day for Rico’s ass, preparing for this extravagant fucking New Year’s Eve party that he throws every year for him and all his baller friends to show off their mistresses, like I don’t fucking know what’s up. Shit, the only reason I’m probably invited is because I’m his girl, and this is my fucking house too. But oh trust me, when he thinks I’m dumb, I’m not. No matter how many bitches he fucks or how many times they smile in my face but suck his dick behind my back, I’m still gonna have the final laugh on them hoes. Laugh now, cry later, isn’t that one of the famous Rico quotes? He better live by his own words because I love him with all my heart, but I won’t let him make me out to be a fool. I’m no dumb bitch and I’ve learned a lot from watching his ass, which by the way taught me a lot. Oh shit, gotta go. Meeting Tasha for brunch and I still got to pick up Rico Jr. This nigga better be glad I love his ass because I’m all behind schedule.


Rain’s Storm(Chapter 1)

“Ring, ring.” That was the sound of Rain’s Blackberry jumping in her" "$400 Gucci bag. “Who the fuck is this now?” she thought, as she reached for her phone while driving. “Hello?”

“Queen?” Rico called out.

“Yeah, poppy. Wassup?”

“I need you to go by my sister’s house and tell her I sent you to snatch up that bag I left there and meet me at the spot with it. Do not look in the fucking bag, queen!” Rico demanded with anger in his voice. “I’m serious.”

“All right, dammit,” replied Rain. “How you know I didn’t have shit to do while you calling me barking orders?” Even though the sound of Rico’s Columbian accent drove her crazy, she still couldn’t let him know he had her gone like that. “What’s in it for me?” asked Rain.

“Shorty, don’t play me. Don’t I always take care of you? Don’t I set you straight every time you see me, whether it’s business or pleasure? Am I right?”

“Hold up, so what you trying to call me, poppy?”

“My future wifey,” replied Rico.

Rain began to laugh, smiling ear to ear. “Whatever, nigga! Let me go or you won’t get no bag at all.”

“All right, queen!”

"“Shit, "that bitch Candace better be at home,” thought Rain as she dialed the number. “I still got to meet Tasha and pick up RJ from my grandparents’ house. Time is fucking flying.”

“Hey, Candace, are you home?”

“Yeah, girl, wassup?”

“Your brother said he needs that bag, and I’m on my way to pick it up.”

“Oh, OK! I’m here. How far are you?”

“Like ten minutes. I’m hopping on the Interstate now.”

“OK, see you in a minute.”

Rain grabbed the bag from Candace and headed over to meet Rico at one of his spots. “How did I ever get myself involved in a life like this?” Rain thought. “I mean I’m better off than some of these other raggedy ass bitches out here nickel and diming, but you would think I’d choose to run away from this after what I have seen as a child.”

La’Rain Shant’e Peters hadn’t always lived the life that she had then. Straight from the streets of Bankhead in Atlanta, Georgia, Rain was introduced to drugs and death earlier than any normal young girl her age would probably see. Born on February 14, 1980, to a drug kingpin Donte’ Peters and his wife and the love of his life, Jackie, La ’Rain was their second baby but their first and only girl, which made her special in the household. Rain was a daddy’s girl; everything she wanted she got, and the same went for her elder brother, Edward, who was seven years old and wanted nothing more in this world than to be like his dad when he grew up.

By 1984, crack had hit the streets hard, and Donte’ being the man, feeding the hood and always fresh to death to everyone looking in it, it seemed as if the Peters were living the good life. Donte’ would have the kids with him while he made transactions with dealers or even when it was time to collect from his workers.

Rain and Eddie had seen their father and his goons beat the shit out of niggas for coming up short or getting high off Donte’s supply as he would say. A couple of times earlier, Donte’ had allowed Eddie to be a part of the dangerous shit that he had going on. Eddie was always under his father and thought that whatever he did was right. Rain on the other hand didn’t feel that shit at all. Jackie did nothing but shop all goddamn day; living the "fab" life was all that concerned her. She was always too busy to know what was going on in the house, not that she cared anyway. She had her group of friends or should I say groupies, who flocked all over her, wanting to have her life, and to her, that was exciting.

A lot of Rain’s memories from her past involved seeing her father hurting people, selling drugs, and making plenty of money. Donte’ had much respect on the streets, and if crossed the wrong way, he definitely had your ass dealt with. Rain and her brother were put to bed every night at the same time, which meant adult activities were about to hop off. Donte’ and Jackie’s friends would come over to party, do drugs, and drink all night long. That was starting to take its toll on Rain. I mean, what child doesn’t want everything, but no child wants to lose anything, and that’s how Rain felt the first time she saw Donte’ kill someone; she was scared he was going to jail. Of course, like any child, she was supposed to be in bed, but the sound of laughter and partying kept her up. Rain lay there staring at the walls as the sound of Rick James’ “Mary Jane”" "played throughout the house. She heard the sound of her father’s voice arguing downstairs.

As Rain sat on the stairs to listen, she could hear her dad fussing over T-Bone about some money that Donte’ wanted to collect. “This nigga had the nerve to show up at my fucking party like shit’s all good,” said Donte’. “He must be out of his fucking mind, mane, coming up in here, enjoying shit that my money paid for, disrespecting me like that.”

Apparently, T-Bone had been making noise on the streets about Donte’ and his money, and that’s one thing he didn’t play with. Rain stood quietly behind the stairs as she listened to her father become enraged by that nigga. Rain watched her dad, Kay-bug, Snook, and James stomp the fuck out that man. They kicked and beat his ass with anything around the house that was in their reach. Broken glass and chairs were all over the place as Rain ran to wake Eddie and let him know what was going on. “"Daddy’s gonna kill him," Eddie,” cried Rain, as she shook her brother in fear. Eddie jumped out of bed and went to see what was going on now, but as he headed toward the stairs, a loud pop stopped him in his tracks: “"Pow!”"

“What was that, Eddie?” asked Rain, scared to death.

“I don’t know, li’l sis, but we’re gonna go see.” Before Eddie could go round the corner, he was stopped by Kay-bug checking in on them as instructed by Donte’.

“Wassup, li’l man? Why y’all not in bed?” asked Kay.

“"Where’s my daddy?"” cried Rain.

“Yeah, where is my father? I heard a noise and I want to know if he’s OK.”

Before Kay could answer, Rain ran past him to go find Donte’. Just as she entered the living room, she discovered what that loud noise was that they had heard. “"Ahhh!” s"creamed Rain. “Daddy, help me, please!” She had walked in on T-Bone’s dead body beaten to death on the floor. Snook rushed over to Rain, grabbed her up in his arms, and carried her to Donte’. Eddie just stood there in shock; he had never seen that side of his father, and it really shook him up. That night really bothered Rain. It was the first time but it wasn’t the last that she would see her dad doing something jacked up to another individual. Donte’ was doing good for himself; coming from a poor family with nothing, he went on to slanging weed, crack, and dope and to supplying the streets of Bankhead with work. The streets were happy because everybody was eating. To every outsider, he was the man, but behind closed doors, disaster had already struck.

Jackie and Donte’ had decided to wait before having any more kids. They were having too much fun living the good life, but what do you know! To Jackie’s surprise, her period was late. She was so scared of what Donte’ would say, but she decided to take the test anyway. She was three months pregnant according to the doctor; that was what Jackie was told. Donte’ was not at all pleased about the news even though they had the money. Donte’ made it perfectly clear that he didn’t want any more kids. "“Stop""!" Leave me alone, Eddie,” screamed Rain as they argued in their playroom.

“"Sit the fuck down now!"”" "yelled Jackie. “Y’all are getting on my nerves.” Jackie was under a lot of stress". "She was seven months pregnant with another boy, and Donte’s attitude had changed toward her. Not only was he drinking more, but he had also picked up a new habit of snorting lines of his own product with his friends.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Author Tamika Washington

Just entered the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award contest 2012, and i am so proud of myself right now, all I can do is THANK GOD for what he is doing in my life. #Claiming this one in advance#
S.N. here is the contest schedule so please UPDATE your phones, calendar, pads etc so that you can vote for me and Dope Girl's Ambition and be a part of the reason I make it to the Top♥ Thank you in Advance f...or all your support!

January 23, 2012
Submission period begins; up to 10,000 Entries will be accepted

February 5, 2012
Submission period ends

February 23, 2012
Up to 2,000 entries moving to Second Round announced at

March 20, 2012
Top 500 (Quarterfinalists) announced at
Publishers Weekly reviews each Quarter-Finalists' full manuscript
Amazon customers can download, rate, and review Excerpts on, providing feedback to Penguin Editors about submissions.

April 24, 2012
Top 100 (Semifinalists) announced at
Penguin Editors reading Semi-Finalists' manuscripts to pick the 6 Finalists
Amazon customers continue to download, rate, and review Excerpts, and read Publishers Weekly reviews of Semi-Finalists' full Manuscripts

May 22, 2012
6 Finalists announced

Amazon customers vote to pick the Winners

June 16, 2012
Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Winners announced

Find, shop for and buy Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award at

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dope Girl's Ambition by Author Tamika Washington

Have you read Dope Girl's Ambition yet? Well if you haven't this is a book that is worth taking some time out to read. This thriller novel will have you on the edge of your seat. And you'll be ready to see how La'Rain and Storm takes over the streets of New York. Oh yeah, there is a Storm's Revenge!!!!!! You can order this book @ www.authortamikawashington.... This book comes in paperback $15.95... Hardback $24.95... ebook $5.95. DON'T MISS OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Now Avaible!!!

Dope Girl’s Ambition

Tamika Washington

Dope Girl’s Ambition
Only apex predators survive in the culture of submission that is the drug industry. Luck, the tough, survivalist kind, in this way, seems to be with La’Rain Peters. Known as Rain in the streets, she rises from them into crazy money, sulphurous romance, and sanguine criminality in Tamika Washington’s Dope Girl’s Ambition. What does one do when one watches one’s parents go from kingpins to crackheads right in front of one’s eyes? What does one do when a drug deal gone bad causes one to lose one’s mother, brother and life (nearly) all at once…In Rain’s world, it is more of the norm – people live fast, die young, and try to stomp on the competition as often as possible. From childhood to adulthood her life was anything but normal. At a young age she knew too much about the drug game that followed her into adulthood.
When Rain finds out that she can hit men over the head with her “phat ass” and striking beauty, she comes of age and into her own. The sexy son of a Colombian drug lord didn’t know what Rain was packing until it him where sexy sons of Colombian drug lords live. She quickly learns to use what she had to rule. Only people who can stand the heat may read this book. If the reader passes the minimum requirement, the book shows how one man and woman torn by love of money and power get past losses, ever-present fear, and the paradox of their growing ambition for the game withstanding the love they have for each other. The reader will watch Rain as she learns, lives, and becomes the hustling bitch everyone loves to hate. Will she know when to stop, or will her greed for money cause her to self-destruct?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Dope Girl's Ambition


Dope Girl’s Ambition
Only apex predators survive in the culture of submission that is the drug industry. Luck, the tough, survivalist kind, in this way, seems to be with La’Rain Peters. Known as Rain in the streets, she rises from them into crazy money, sulphurous romance, and sanguine criminality in Tamika Washington’s Dope Girl’s Ambition. What does one do when one watches one’s parents go from kingpins to crackheads right in front of one’s eyes? What does one do when a drug deal gone bad causes one to lose one’s mother, brother and life (nearly) all at once…In Rain’s world, it is more of the norm – people live fast, die young, and try to stomp on the competition as often as possible. From childhood to adulthood her life was anything but normal. At a young age she knew too much about the drug game that followed her into adulthood.
**When Rain finds out that she can hit men over the head with her “phat ass” and striking beauty, she comes of age and into her own. The sexy son of a Colombian drug lord didn’t know what Rain was packing until it him where sexy sons of Colombian drug lords live. She quickly learns to use what she had to rule. Only people who can stand the heat may read this book. If the reader passes the minimum requirement, the book shows how one man and woman torn by love of money and power get past losses, ever-present fear, and the paradox of their growing ambition for the game withstanding the love they have for each other. The reader will watch Rain as she learns, lives, and becomes the hustling bitch everyone loves to hate. Will she know when to stop, or will her greed for money cause her to self-destruct?